Ajax search visual composer free download
Ajax search visual composer free download

ajax search visual composer free download

Show Product Code(SKU): You can display Product code in search popup. Show Product Price: You can display product price in search popup. Description Length: You can set number of charecters display in product discription. Name Length: You can set number of charecter display in product name. roduct Limit: You can set number of product display in search popup. Min Charecters: You can set minimum charecter for display search result. 5Ħ Autocomplete Options Tab:- Popup Width : You can set search result popup width. Note: If you selected attribute that must be searchable from manage attribute section. Select Attribute For Set Search Priority Tab:- You can set attribute priority that you want to search first. If you select category filter yes then display category list Select category from list and save. 4ĥ Category Filter Tab:- Select Category Filter: You can add category filter with search popup then select Yes. Include Jquery: You can include Jquery Libreary file using Yes/No. Note: Exact Match Multiple Words Options only works with LIKE search Type. Exact Match Multiple Words: Set exact match multiple words and get products. Search Type: Set search type LIKE FULLTEXT COMBINE.

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#Ajax search visual composer free download pro#

4 CONFIGURATION SETTINGS Go to System Configuration MAGEBEES Ajax Quick Search Pro OR MageBees Ajax Quick Search Pro Configuration General Tab:- Enabled : Enable or Disable Ajax Quick Search Pro Extensiopn using choose Yes/No.

Ajax search visual composer free download